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Plan Background & Process

WalkBikeNC was completed over eighteen months, informed by a robust public engagement process. NCDOT, the consultant team, and stakeholders used a variety of methods to reach out to citizens and stakeholders across North Carolina to engage them in a meaningful dialogue and process for public input. NCDOT sponsored a special project web site, WalkBikeNC.com. The website was linked to Facebook, Linkedin, Google, and Twitter in order to capture a broader range of interests, and to NCDOT's primary transportation web portal. Additional links were made to partner web sites.

NCDOT and its consultants also hosted 15 focus group meetings, 3 regional workshops, and attended 16 festivals and events across North Carolina whose total attendance exceeded 600,000 participants. Additionally, more than 30 organizations and groups from a variety of disciplines including health, safety, environment, mobility, and economic development were also engaged in the planning process. The result of this broad participation is the development of a statewide pedestrian and bicycle master plan that truly reflects the vision, ideas, concerns, and recommendations of North Carolinians.

Find out more about the 5 Pillars of the Plan