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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What kind of contracts can companies bid or subcontract on?
    ​Bidder (Prime Contractor) – These contractors can bid on centrally let contracts (those let out of Raleigh) as well as division-let (those let out of a local division office) purchase order contracts (POCs) within the constraints of the limitations provided by bonding limits and/or their contractor's license. Bidders may also subcontract on any of the above contracts. The one limitation to bidders is that without a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certification, they cannot pursue SBE POCs let by the divisions. This would apply also to subcontractors.

    Subcontractor – These contractors can subcontract on centrally let contracts, as well as POCs.

    Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Contractor – These contractors must be SBE-certified. This is a self-certification process. They must be certified prior to bid opening. They can have the status of bidder or subcontractor, but it is not necessary. They can bid on any purchase order contract that is advertised as a SBE contract. View SBE guidelines.

    For further information, contact Mickey Biedell, P.E., at (919) 707-4803.
  • Are contractors who are certified as Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) also prequalified or approved to be prime contractors or subcontractors on NCDOT contracts by virtue of their certification?
    ​No. DBE certification is a separate and distinct event from prequalification to bid or do work for NCDOT. In order to bid or work on NCDOT contracts, DBE firms must also go through the prequalification process. The one exception is that SBE contracts, which do not require prequalification, must be self-certified. This self-certification is separate from DBE certification.
  • Are prequalified or approved prime contractors or subcontractors, by virtue of their prequalified status, also considered to be certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs)?
    ​No. Prequalification to bid on or do work for NCDOT highway construction contracts is a separate and distinct event from DBE certification. In order to be certified as a DBE contractor, you must apply for that status separately. Learn more about DBE certification, or contact NCDOT State Contractor Utilization Engineer Benny Sloan at (919) 508-1940.
  • How can I listen to the highway letting as bids are read publicly or view the highway letting results?
    ​For normal highway lettings, webcasts usually begin after 2 p.m. to 2:20 p.m. on the third Tuesday of every month. Learn more about central letting webcasts.
  • Where do I find information concerning the tentative letting list?
    ​For a tentative letting list, visit Central Letting
  • Where do I find information concerning currently advertised projects for the NCDOT highway letting?
    For information about currently advertised projects, visit Central Letting.
  • Who do I contact if I have a question about a project currently under advertisement?
    ​You may call NCDOT state contract officer Ron Davenport Jr., P.E., at (919) 707-6900.
  • Where can I find historical bid information?
    ​For historical bid information, go to Central Letting, and look under “Archive.”

6/10/2020 4:25 PM