RALEIGH – The following are highlights from this week at the N.C. Department of Transportation. The stories below are also featured in
NCDOT Now, the department's weekly newscast.
Rail Safety Week
Every three hours in the United States, a person or vehicle is hit by a train, according to
Operation Lifesaver. Already this year, there have been more than 50 incidents with vehicles and pedestrians on railroad tracks in North Carolina – 11 people have died.
To help save lives, the N.C. Department of Transportation’s Rail Division is stepping up efforts around trains and tracks during
Rail Safety Week, Sept. 19 - 25.
Rail Division urges people to:
Never walk, jog or take pictures on tracks;
Always cross a railroad at safe legal crossings., These crossings will have safety equipment, such as crossbucks and crossing gates; and
Call the number on the blue sign during an emergency at a railroad crossing.
To get more information, including safety tips or to schedule a presentation in your area, go to
Fall Litter Sweep
Grab your safety vest and a trash bag to help clean up North Carolina. The department’s Fall Litter Sweep is happening now through Sept. 24.
NCDOT crews, contractors and volunteers have picked up 7.8 million pounds of litter since the year began. This week, Transportation Secretary Eric Boyette helped picked up litter in Buncombe County.
To get involved, visit