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Proposed Rules & Repeals

​Highway Planning (19A NCAC 02D Section .0400 & .0500)

Text of Proposed Rules

Section .0400, Field Operations - Maintenance and Equipment


Section .0500, Ferry Operations

Notice of Text

Explanation of/Reason for Proposed Rule

Pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A, Periodic Review and Expiration of Existing Rules, all rules are reviewed at least every 10 years or they shall expire.

As a result of the periodic review of Subchapter 19A NCAC 02D, these proposed rules were determined as "Necessary with Substantive Public Interest" thus necessitating readoption.

Upon review for the readoption process, the agency deemed the following rules to be necessary without substantive changes and are recommended for readoption:

  • 19A NCAC 02D .0402-.0404, .0406, .0410, .0414, .0421, .0535, .0538 and .0539

Upon review for the readoption process, the agency deemed the following rule to be unnecessary and is recommending repeal:

  • 19A NCAC 02D .0405 and .0425

Public Hearing

The N.C. Department of Transportation held the following public hearing on the proposed rules:

Tuesday, April 2, 2019
3 p.m.
Transportation Mobility & Safety
Conference Room 161
750 N. Greenfield Parkway
Garner, NC 27529

Public Comment

NCDOT accepted public comment from Feb. 15, 2018, until April 18, 2019. The public comment period is now closed. 

​Not applicable to this package of proposed temporary rule:

  • Federal Certification
  • Fiscal Note/Economic Analysis

6/24/2019 1:47 PM