Page Content The N.C. Department of Transportation is hosting its annual Preconstruction Workshop that will provide NCDOT employees and its partnering firms with the latest updates on new design platforms, how NCDOT is building a more resilient transportation system, advances in right of way management, intersection designs, and much more. NCDOT will also host a Career Event on Sept. 30 for high school and college students, and those who may be interested in a career in transportation. NCDOT hiring managers from across the state related to construction and maintenance, as well as different technical and modal divisions will be present to discuss the numerous career opportunities at NCDOT. Registration will begin in early August. The workshop will take place: Monday-Tuesday, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2024McKimmon Training & Conference CenterN.C. State University1101 Gorman St.Raleigh The career event will take place: Monday, Sept. 30, 20249 a.m.-12:30 p.m.McKimmon Training & Conference CenterN.C. State University1101 Gorman St.Raleigh Related Documents Workshop Agenda 9/11/2024 10:38 AM