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Halifax County Crossroads to Become All-Way Stop

WELDON  – The N.C. Department of Transportation will enhance traffic safety by making N.C. 125 at Aurelian Springs Road an all-way stop on Dec. 17.

Now, drivers on N.C. 125 do not stop at this intersection south of Weldon. Crews will add stop signs on either side of the highway for each approach. They also will add “stop ahead" warning signs with flags along N.C. 125 about 400 feet before the intersection. Additionally, this junction's existing overhead flashing yellow caution light will be changed to a red flasher.

Crews are scheduled to make the change Dec. 17, starting after daybreak. (The original Dec. 16 implementation date was changed due to the forecast of inclement weather.) Flaggers will control the intersection, allowing one vehicle at a time to proceed, until the conversion is completed around 1 p.m.

Last fall, the Halifax County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution approving of the NCDOT investigating the intersection with the potential outcome of making it an all-way stop as an effective way to improve safety. 

A departmental study in 2010 found converting intersections from a two-way stop into an all-way reduced fatality and injury-related crashes by 72%.

Changeable message boards are alerting people of the new traffic pattern.

All-Way Stop Rules

As a reminder, drivers approaching an all-way stop should follow these rules:

  • The first vehicle at the intersection has the right of way;
  • When two or more vehicles reach an intersection at the same time, the vehicle to the right has the right of way and may go straight or, if legal and after signaling, turn left or right;
  • When two facing vehicles approach an intersection simultaneously, both drivers can move straight ahead or turn right. If one driver is going straight while the other wants to turn left, the driver who wants to turn left must yield; and

Even with the right of way, drivers should remember to use appropriate turn signals and watch for pedestrians and other vehicles.


12/14/2020 9:37 AM