FAYETTEVILLE – A congested stretch of Gillis Hill Road in western Fayetteville will be widened and see other improvements, thanks to a freshly executed $22.6 million contract.
The 1.1-mile stretch between Stoney Point Road and Raeford Road (U.S. 401) near the Walmart will be widened from its present two lanes into four. The project also will include concrete curbs and gutters, the installation of drainage systems and the construction of a raised median to improve safety.
Additionally, the current bridge over Little Rockfish Creek will be replaced with two bridges to accommodate the wider road.
To accommodate pedestrians more safely, sidewalks and marked bicycle lanes will be added to the widened stretch of roadway.
The project is expected to ease congestion and plan for anticipated growth. On the average day, 25,000 vehicles travel on Gillis Hill Road. The volume is expected to increase 24%, to 31,000 vehicles a day in 20 years.
The N.C. Department of Transportation awarded the contract to W.C. English Inc. of Lynchburg, Virginia, this month. The contractor can begin in July.
The construction will be phased, which means the contractor will keep the route's two-way pattern and bridge open while half of the new road is constructed. Then, traffic will be shifted onto the new pavement, while the existing road is rebuilt.
The revised schedule for this project calls for all lanes to be opened to traffic by the end of 2025.