ROCKY MOUNT – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved a reduction in North Carolina counties required to perform yearly vehicle emissions tests.
Beginning Nov. 1, vehicle owners in Lee, Onslow and Rockingham counties will join 78 other counties that are not required to conduct emissions tests.
The approval was a result of the passage of the Regulatory Reform Act of 2016-2017 by the N.C. General Assembly during the 2017 long session. The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, has certified the Implementation Plan to the EPA, details of which can be found on the NCDEQ website.
It is important to note that all counties still require annual safety inspections.
After Nov. 1, annual vehicle emissions inspections will only be required in the following 19 counties: Alamance, Buncombe, Cabarrus, Cumberland, Davidson, Durham, Forsyth, Franklin, Gaston, Guilford, Iredell, Johnston, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Randolph, Rowan, Union and Wake counties.
​Information on emissions and safety inspections, is available on the NCDMV website.