WHITE OAK – A 2.5-mile section of N.C. 53 north of White Oak is scheduled to close to thru-traffic on Oct. 31 for drainage work.
Maintenance employees for the N.C. Department of Transportation will replace four drainage pipes in proximity to one another with larger pipes that will improve storm drainage.
The pipes are underneath N.C. 53 between Johnson Road and the Bladen-Cumberland county line, as indicated by the blue line on this Google map.
Crews will dig up sections of the road, replace the pipes and repave the road. Departmental employees will have a day and a night crew working on these improvements, with the goal of completing everything and reopening the highway by Nov. 4.
The 18-mile detour will send motorists onto Johnson Road and Tabor Church Road, which becomes River Road in Bladen County and intersects with N.C. 53 in White Oak.
People needing to access N.C. 53 should be cautious near the closure, and others taking the detour should factor in the longer commute.