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Safety Skills Showcased in Division 13 Roadeo

Safety Skills Showcased in Division 13 Roadeo

ASHEVILLE — Jay Swain, Division 13 engineer, jumped in the dump truck, fastened the seatbelt and toured the skills course set up for the annual Division 13 “Roadeo” competition.

A few hours later, he handed a blue plaque to James Wyatt of the Mitchell County maintenance department for a nearly flawless run through the same course. Wyatt parked the front bumper of his truck three inches away from a curb when parallel parking, less than an inch away when he stopped on a line, and less than a half-inch away when he backed up to a dock.

A total of eight inches separated his bumpers from four different barriers.

“I am impressed every year with the skills each of you display at this Roadeo and every day you are out in the field using those same skills to help the people of North Carolina,” Swain said as he addressed the participants. “I can halfway drive a truck, but there’s no way I’m driving a mower, a motorgrader, backhoe or low-boy. I’m leaving that to you professionals.”

More than 100 competitors from NCDOT offices in Buncombe, Burke, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Rutherford, and Yancey counties competed in the Roadeo on May 23-24. Roadeos are held every year in the 14 NCDOT divisions as a fun way for the agency’s equipment operators to test themselves, learn new skills and earn recognition for being the best equipment operators.

At the Buncombe County Maintenance Yard, equipment operators were tested on how well they maneuvered through tasks in situations that reflect their daily operations. They revisited their daily safety procedures and picked up new tips for keeping themselves and other drivers safe on roads across the mountains.
Employees steered trucks through an obstacle course, set the blade of a motorgrader at the right height to knock a tennis ball off a tee, scooped a golf ball with a backhoe, and weaved backwards on a tractor mower.

“The Roadeo is an important part of our safety program; it provides a forum to test the skills they use every day in tight work zones,” Division 13 Safety Consultant Walt Russell said. “The ability to get jobs done safely and efficiently — especially where we don’t have the luxury of long and straight roads — is critical to our success.”

The following winners from each division will compete for the state championship on July 31 in Raleigh.

Tandem Axle Dump Truck: James Wyatt
Lowboy: Evan Hollifield
Tractor mower: Daniel Byers
Motorgrader: Dusty Keller
Single Axle Dump Truck: Levi Thomas
Backhoe: Wesley Sparks


7/11/2018 1:01 PM