MURPHY – A contractor for the N.C. Department of Transportation plans to close U.S. 19 Business (Hiawassee Street) on Monday from the intersection of the main highway to the entrance of Murphy First Baptist church to rebuild the road on new alignment.
Crews from Wright Brothers Construction expect to take eight days to excavate, grade and pave the new alignment to create a safer road and safer intersection with U.S. 19/64/74/129.
A marked detour will direct traffic from the main highway to Peachtree Stree to Hiawassee Street. Closure signs will be placed at the main intersection and at the First Baptist Church entrance.
The operation is part of a $22.7 million widening project to improve safety, reduce congestion and improve access to businesses in Murphy.
Transportation officials remind drivers to remain alert, drive with caution and obey all posted signs in the work zone and along the detour.