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Catawba Avenue Improvements

​​​​​Project Overview

Current traffic volumes exceed the capacity of a 2.7-mile stretch of Catawba Avenue from Sam Furr Road (N.C. 73) north to Jetton Road in Mecklenburg County, and forecasts show conditions​ will worsen by 2035. Increasing development along the road will result in longer travel times, dangerous passing situations and increased wrecks.

The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes to make a series of improvements that would provide:​

  • Improved connections between Cornelius and Huntersville
  • An improved route to I-77 that enhances regional travel options
  • Additional lanes on Catawba Avenue in the project area
  • Enhanced safety for all types of travel (driving, public transit, walking and bicycling)

This project is a continuation of Catawba Avenue improvements completed in 2009 between Jetton Road and I-77.

1/13/2025 2:28 PM