Project Overview
Current traffic volumes exceed the capacity of a 2.7-mile stretch of Catawba Avenue from Sam Furr Road (N.C. 73) north to Jetton Road in Mecklenburg County, and forecasts show conditions will worsen by 2035. Increasing development along the road will result in longer travel times, dangerous passing situations and increased wrecks.
The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes to make a series of improvements that would provide:
- Improved connections between Cornelius and Huntersville
- An improved route to I-77 that enhances regional travel options
- Additional lanes on Catawba Avenue in the project area
- Enhanced safety for all types of travel (driving, public transit, walking and bicycling)
This project is a continuation of Catawba Avenue improvements completed in 2009 between Jetton Road and I-77.