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Action Steps


Improve safety for all roadway users through strategic, consistent, and connected pedestrian and bicycle facility improvement, education, and enforcement strategies.

ID Recommended Action Step Idea Lead Agency Agency Partner(s) Chapter Ref.
Sa1 Implement "Complete Streets" approach consistently with all roadway projects to ensure connected, accessible, and safe pedestrian and bicycle network. NCDOT 3,4
Sa2 Develop strategy to advertise and educate NCDOT Division staff, MPOs/RPOs, cities, counties, advocates, and law enforcement staff across the state about HSRC crash analysis and data and trends in North Carolina. NCDOT HSRC, ITRE 3,4
Sa3 Work with law enforcement and other agencies to improve the quality and completeness of pedestrian and bicycle crash data. NCDOT Law enforcement, Hospitals, HSRC, MPOs/RPOs, local governments 3,4
Sa4 Consider establishing statewide pedestrian and bicycle safety consortium to develop consistent, thorough recording of crashes. NCDOT Law enforcement, Hospitals, HSRC, MPOs/RPOs, local governments, BikeWalkNC 3,4
Sa5 Evaluate facilities and programs for their capability to improve motorist/pedestrian/bicyclist compliance and safety. Utilize national studies and FHWA crash reduction factors shown in following table to support design solutions for safety improvement (see Chapter 6 – Pedestrian & Bicycle Toolbox). NCDOT 3,4
Sa6 Evaluate the existing HSIP prioritization and project programming process and adjust as needed to allow for more bicycle and pedestrian project success. NCDOT HSRC 3,4
Sa7 Develop an injury minimization approach for setting speed limits on new roadways and major roadway reconstruction projects. NCDOT 3,4
Sa8 Adopt high-priority performance measures described in Chapter 8. NCDOT 9.11
Sa9 Maintain the Safety & Mobility safety audit team to review roadway improvement plans in high crash locations. Encourage additional study. NCDOT DBPT, Traffic Safety Unit 3,4
Sa10 Implement education, encouragement, and enforcement programs as detailed in Chapter 7. NCDOT BikeWalkNC, advocacy groups, MPOs/RPOs, municipalities
Sa11 Remain current with research regarding bicycle safety as bicycle planning and design is evolving rapidly in the United States. NCDOT HSRC 4
Sa12 Address safety needs of different types/experience levels of bicyclists. NCDOT 4
Sa13 Consider continuing successful pedestrian/bicycle safety reviews conducted by the Traffic Safety Unit (examples: Fayetteville and the Outer Banks (US 158) in areas of safety concern. NCDOT DBPT, Traffic Safety Unit 3,4
Sa14 Engage more stakeholders in a comprehensive approach to improving safety for pedestrians. NCDOT ITRE, HEC, law enforcement, hospitals, MPOs/RPOs, local governments 3,4
Sa15 Maintain the NCDOT Traffic Safety Unit approach to review high crash locations. This team should be proactive using pedestrian/bicycle crash data regularly. NCDOT 3
Sa16 Incorporate ongoing HSRC crash typing and geocoding efforts into decision-making and prioritization. NCDOT 3
Sa17 Conduct studies at high pedestrian and bicycle crash locations and coordinate results with the HSIP process to provide pedestrian countermeasures in these locations. The agency should explore the development of a model to estimate pedestrian and bicyclist volumes, with the purpose of developing better prioritization methods that account for crash rates in addition to crash frequency. If possible, the model should be compatible and/or coordinated with analytical models currently used by other state agencies. NCDOT 3
Safety: Safe Routes to School
Sa18 Continue the Safe Routes to School program as part of DBPT following the full obligation of SAFETEA-LU funding. NCDOT-DBPT 3
Sa19 Continue new public health collaboration with DHHS/Community Transformation Grant in order to reach more communities and schools around the state. NCDOT-DBPT DHHS 3
Sa20 Explore ways to simplify and streamline SRTS grant and implementation processes. NCDOT-DBPT 3
DBPT – Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation; HSRC – Highway Safety Research Center; ITRE – Institute for Transportation Research and Education; MPO – Metropolitan Planning Organization; RPO – Rural Planning Organization; FHWA – Federal Highway Administration; HSIP – Highway Safety Improvement Program; HEC – Healthy Environments Collaborative; DHHS – Department of Health and Human Services; SRTS – Safe Routes to School; DPI – Department of Public Instruction; STEP – Small Towns Economic Prosperity Program; CTP – Comprehensive Transportation Plan; DENR – Department of Environment and Natural Resources; ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act; PROWAG – Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines
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