The N.C. Department of Transportation first adopted its Complete Streets policy in 2009 as a way to consider and incorporate different modes of transportation – such as walking, biking and public transit – when building or improving roads.
A “complete street” typically includes such improvements as sidewalks, bicycle lanes and other accommodations that improve safe travel and access for all people, regardless of their mode of transportation.
The N.C. Board of Transportation updated its Complete Streets policy in 2019. The policy, revised after nearly two years of analysis, public engagement, and collaboration with the department’s many transportation partners, will help NCDOT better deliver Complete Streets across the state.
The department will use the updated policy to improve its various design guidelines toward building a multimodal transportation network for North Carolina.
The benefits of this approach include:
- Making it easier for travelers to get where they need to go
- Encouraging the use of alternative forms of transportation
- Building more sustainable road networks
- Increasing connectivity between neighborhoods, streets and transit systems
- Improving safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists
The Transportation Board’s 2019 memo, the updated policy and the resolution
can be
viewed here.