Multimodal Planning Program
Encourages municipalities and counties to develop comprehensive multimodal, bicycle and pedestrian plans. These plans largely focus on enhancing mobility, improving safety, and promoting economic and health benefits. Because of these efforts, the program has reached communities of all sizes from all regions of North Carolina.
Regional Transit Planning Program
Provides transit and multimodal planning support to transit systems and regional planning agencies. These plans look to evaluate mobility needs from a regional perspective and identify approaches for enhanced regional coordination. Plan outcomes also support federal and state transit grant planning requirements.
Feasibility Studies Program
Encourages municipalities and counties to develop shared-use path and sidewalk feasibility studies. Feasibility studies bridge the gap between conceptual planning and programming of projects by evaluating the technical feasibility of a project from a design, permitting, and constructability perspective. A comprehensive evaluation approach is applied to identify possible route alternatives for multimodal corridors.