In January 2022, former Gov. Roy Cooper signed
Executive Order 246 (EO 246), “North Carolina’s Transformation to a Clean, Equitable Economy,” setting the course for North Carolina’s continued work to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions, advance environmental justice and create good paying jobs throughout the state. This executive order builds upon 2018’s
Executive Order 80, which established a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent and increase zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption to 80,000 vehicles by 2025.
EO 246 Goals
- Reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions to at least 50 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions no later than 2050.
- Increase the total number of registered, zero-emission vehicles to at least 1,250,000 by 2030 and increase the sale of ZEVs so that 50 percent of in-state sales of new vehicles are zero-emission by 2030.
Clean Transportation Plan
The N.C. Clean Transportation Plan is a guidance document that provides a coordinated strategy for accelerating decarbonization in the transportation sector. The plan outlines how North Carolina can prepare for a clean transportation future and provide equitable outcomes for everyone. The N.C. Clean Transportation Plan was co-created with the following:
- Local, regional and state agencies
- Transportation providers
- Non-profit organizations
- Social justice and equity focused groups
- Environmentally focused groups
- Academic partners
- Clean cities coalitions
- Advocacy groups
- Utility providers
- Private companies
While clean transportation efforts are happening all around our state, Executive Orders (E.O.)
246, and
271 all encouraged a more coordinated strategy.
Read Full Plan
Key Recommendations
The N.C. Clean Transportation Plan identifies near-term strategies and actions organized around four focus areas:
Create a dedicated clean transportation team — This group will be dedicated to advancing the N.C. Clean Transportation Plan objectives, implementing the plan, and tracking progress.
Align statewide policy through an interagency task force — This task force will coordinate plan implementation across state agencies. Internal alignment of North Carolina policies will reduce barriers to N.C. Clean Transportation Plan implementation.
Increase equitable outcomes in transportation planning projects — Introducing new opportunities, empowering traditionally underserved communities in transportation decision-making, and focusing on maximizing key indicators like improved access will lead to more equitable outcomes.
Ensure access and affordability to clean transportation — Policies and programs that promote access and affordability to clean transportation options will prioritize infrastructure investments for traditionally underserved communities.
Evaluate and update project prioritization programs — Bring opportunities identified in the N.C. Clean Transportation Plan to the existing N.C. Department of Transportation Strategic Prioritization Office work group for consideration in the project evaluation process.
Partner with utilities to promote clean transportation — Partner with electric utilities to promote clean energy and clean transportation options. This will ensure we’re “energy ready” and will promote effective pricing.
Maximize existing funding to support clean transportation outcomes — Modifying our approach to existing funding programs, such as the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality , Carbon Reduction Program and Diesel Emissions Reduction Act , can ensure existing dollars do as much as possible to support the clean transportation transition.
Evaluate and apply for new funding that advances clean transportation outcomes — The Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act can be used to advance the priority strategies identified in the N.C. Clean Transportation Plan.
Evaluate and deploy clean transportation infrastructure to support all types of fleet vehicles and applications — Investing in zero- and low-emission fueling infrastructure for all types of fleet vehicles makes possible the transition of fleets to clean transportation options.
Expand transportation demand management strategies — Applying transportation demand management programs as described in the vehicle miles traveled reduction toolkit will lessen our reliance on driving and support N.C. Clean Tranportation Plan goals.
Establish a coordinated clean transportation communication strategy — NCDOT will seek dedicated funding to support a coordinated communication strategy. Coordinated communications will increase awareness, help align resources and promote partnerships to advance the clean transportation initiative.
In addition, the N.C. Clean Transportation Plan process identified key partnerships required to accelerate North Carolina’s clean transportation transition and elevate the importance of creating equitable outcomes.
Work Group Plans
While NCDOT supported the planning process and many of the strategies will require the department’s leadership or participation, the N.C. Clean Transportation Plan also offers public and private organizations, as well as state, regional and local governments, a roadmap to activities for achieving an equitable clean transportation system for North Carolina.
These stakeholders formed five subject matter work groups that helped support the creation of the N.C. Clean Transportation Plan. A set of work plans were created representing a specific set of activities that each work group’s stakeholders might choose to partake in to move the state’s Clean Transportation Plan strategies forward. More information on the work groups and work plans can be found at the
N.C. Clean Transportation Plan Work Groups website.