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Driver Improvement Clinics

​​​Drivers may request to attend a driver improvement clinic if they accumulate four points (on the eight-point scale) or seven points (on the 12-point scale) on their driving record.

To receive point credit, an individual must qualify and have a conference with an administrative hearings officer.

Drivers can attend driving improvement clinics once every five years.  View the clinic schedule​.

Upon satisfactory completion, three points are deducted from the driving record.

Eligibility Hearings

The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles sends a letter to any individual who might qualify for a driver improvement clinic. Upon notification, they must apply for a hearing and pay the associated fee. NCDMV will then assign a hearing date.

Hearings Fee​


​Driver Improvement Clinics

​Clinic Fee​

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6/30/2024 6:17 PM

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